Starting A Beginner Running Program

Running on the Beach

Are you thinking of trying out a running program but remains unsure as to how you should go through it? Do you have qualms if you can stick to the program or not? Then perhaps the information below will be of great use.

How to get started?

Planning for a beginner running program should always start with scheduling. Make sure that you first settle your schedule so you can set aside ample time for your running routine. Just doing a 30-minute jog 3 to 5 times week will already reap you great rewards.

Remember not to plan your routes too far or your speed too fast. Such is the most common cause of injury among beginner runners. If you have been living quite the inactive life previously, then you might want to start off with doing 20-minute runoffs first. Gradually increase this duration until you start feeling comfortable with the training level. If you find 20 minutes too much, then consider taking walking breaks.

Running Styles

What’s the proper equipment?

One of the best things about running is that you need not a lot of gears to get started. The most vital investment you might want to make though is on good runners. Do not use your walking, tennis or cross-training shoes. If you are without extensive knowledge on what kinds of shoes would be best for you, then ask assistance from store associates. Get shoes that will best complement your running style.

Women will also need high quality and well-fit sports bra. Digital sports watches may be helpful but are not necessities. For those planning to go serious, a heart-rate monitor would be a great addition.

How sore should you get?

Beginner runners end up usually experiencing soreness all over their legs. This is natural and will quickly subside the longer you keep up with your routine. However, once you start to feel severe pain, take a break and allow your legs to fully recover. As long as you don’t overdo your training and you have the appropriate footwear for the exercise, you’re most likely to do away with serious injuries.






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