It seems that getting a tattoo is something that is about as common as trying a new hairstyle these days. And while when it’s done professional, it really can be as a true piece of (body) art, before you make the decision to get one, we feel that it’s important to consider some of the potential health risks that are directly associated with having a tattoo.
So, if you have an appointment set to get one in the upcoming days or weeks, take out a moment to read what you should know about them before making that kind of commitment.
Toxins in the ink. Although you can get a tattoo in virtually every color that you can possibly think of, have you ever taken out the time to think about what ingredients make up the ink? Sure each color and brand tends to have a variety of ingredients in them, but a lot of them include toxins like antifreeze, detergent, formaldehyde, methanol and even rubbing alcohol. And remember, being that a tattoo breaks the surface layer of your skin, this means that you run the risk of these chemicals going directly into your bloodstream.
Allergic reactions. To be fair, being that millions of people get tattoos each year and a large majority of them do not have an allergic reaction to their tattoo, this is not a top concern; however, it’s still worth mentioning being that some people have reported having a change in the pigment of their skin and others have even discovered having lead in their system, which poses all kinds of health complications. Even henna tattoos have directly contributed to preventing individuals from taking certain antibiotics and/or hair dyes.
Dirty needles. A part of the reason why it’s important to go to a tattoo technician who is certified and reputable is because there are some people who have contracted all kinds of diseases due the fact that they received a tattoo from someone who used a dirty or previously used needle. Some of those diseases include Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis and even HIV and AIDS.
Infections. Some people are so excited to get their tattoo that they don’t follow all of the instructions that are required to help it to heal properly. When you don’t apply the ointment or wash it with antibacterial soap or bandage it up for the necessary amount of time, that can lead to an infection and sometimes, they are quite serious.
Scarring. There are a lot of people who will go a few years with their tattoo and then realize that they would prefer not to have it. Being that they did put permanent ink onto their skin, removing the tattoo is a process (usually about 10 sessions with a dermatologist or some other professional who is certified to remove tattoos). If you were to go to a website like for insight on the medical issuesthat can come with removing a tattoo, one of the main things that will probably mention is that you run the risk of scarring if you don’t follow all of your directions during the removal process.
So, are we recommending that you not get a tattoo? No. We just advise that you take all of the health risks into consideration before you do. After all, if you do get one, it should be something that you will enjoy without any (health-related) regrets.
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