Many studies shows that golf is healthy for seniors – it gets the blood pumping, the endorphins surging and it can provide pain relief for things like osteoporosis and arthritis. Indeed, many seniors start to suffer the ravages of age, which can take its toll in a myriad of different ways. However, golfing, which is an ancient sport and is usually played in nine or eighteen holes, requires restrained physical exertion that is perfect for individuals of advanced age. Not only that, but golf is a social sport that is often played in the sunshine, so it can also be good for your emotional well being too. Here are five senior health benefits of playing golf.
1. It burns calories. Indeed, golf requires a lot of walking, which can be good for people with arthritis, because it doesn’t cause too much of an impact on the joints. Yet, walking also burns a lot of calories, which is good for heart health and a whole host of other functions. On top of teeing off and using your arm muscles, seniors must also use their feet and back – all of which can burn off even more calories.
2. It is good for heart health. All that walking and hitting balls in the course can work out the heart too, which can improve the cardiovascular system. Doing this can reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular issues, like hypertension and high blood pressure. If heart disease runs in your family, perhaps you can benefit from playing golf once and a while. If you want to get the most out of your heart workout, you want to use custom made clubs. In fact, you can find the best custom golf shafts at Fujikura, which is a reputable and esteemed golf supply emporium and retailer.
3. More alertness. Metal acuity is important when you are of advanced age. Decreased cognitive ability can actually get in the way when you are a senior and can result in a decreased enjoyment in life. Golf, however, requires very careful attention to detail, focus and other mental challenges that require more alertness. The more alert you are, the stronger your brain is working to create new connections. If you want to prevent the mental ravages of age, golf can be a great sport to play.
4. Stronger muscles. For the elderly, having stronger muscles is critical. Not only can having stronger muscles increase the health of your muscles, but it can also provide relief from the pain that is most commonly associated with arthritis. Not only that, but having strong muscles can reduce the aches and pains of back pain – mostly because your back is stronger and can hold all the weight.
5. Decreases depression. Depression and loneliness are common among the elderly. However, golf, which is a social sport, has been known to decrease feelings of depression and loneliness. The reason for this may be the sunshine, but it may also have to do with all the endorphins that get pumped into the bloodstream. There is nothing like feeling bright and happy, especially in your golden years.